

  • 地区范围的中断
  • 当地的中断
  • 私人参建停机


地区范围的中断 are typically caused by significant weather events. 在太平洋西北部, it's most common for region-wide outage events to be caused by fall and winter wind and snow storms, 但其他原因可能是地震, 洪水, 野火或其他自然灾害. 中断 may impact several thousand to several hundred thousand customers.



Regional storm bases and our Emergency Coordination Center open to support crew and resource coordination, response strategy and internal and external communication.



As soon as conditions allow and it’s safe to begin field activities, our damage assessors drive to reported outage locations across our service area to:

  • 识别潜在的安全隐患(例如.g.(电线倒下)
  • Gain visibility of the damage and assess severity
  • Report back to the regional storm base with details on the types of crew and equipment needed to restore power

Damage assessment is also a critical step to help us develop estimated restoration times for customers. In a region-wide outage event, damage assessment can take multiple days to fully complete.



Information from the damage assessors is used by the storm bases and Emergency Coordination Center to determine 资源 needed, outage restoration prioritization and other response strategies.



  • 第一个, repair crews focus on restoring power to essential services such as hospitals, 水/废水系统, 和运输. Priority power restoration also goes to high-voltage transmission lines that provide power to substations serving large numbers of customers in a broad geographic area.
  • 下一个, crews focus on repairing damage to distribution and service lines – the lines that directly serve homes and businesses.
  • 中断恢复优先级 is constantly evolving as we continue to gain knowledge of the situation and respond to emerging issues.



Our crews and outage response personnel work around the clock until all customers have their power restored.

How does PSE estimate when my power will be restored?

每个区域范围的中断事件都是独一无二的, and estimated times of restoration (ETRs) are developed based on the following factors: number of predicted outage locations, 损伤严重程度, 资源分配, 活跃的天气和通道挑战. As our field teams gain boots-on-the-ground visibility, we add and update ETRs on the outage map. 有时, more system damage can occur due to ongoing active weather, ETRs可能需要更新. ETRs一般分为三个阶段:

  1. ETR待定(待定):在区域范围的中断事件期间, we don’t add ETRs to the outage map until damage assessment is well underway. The time required to establish ETRs varies based on field conditions and the severity of the event. In large outage events, it can take 24–48 hours to establish regional ETRs.
  2. 区域ETR: The date/time we expect most customers in a given region to have their power restored. Many customers will be restored sooner than the regional ETR; some customers may have their power restored after. While regional ETRs are not specific to individual 中断, they are general timeframes for restoration that help our customers plan. We strive to share regional ETRs within the first 24–48 hours of a large-scale outage event.
  3. 停机-specific ETR: 停机-specific ETRs – provided by our field personnel – are established when we have adequate field visibility and a crew assigned to restore your power. Sometimes, outage-specific ETRs are updated based on additional information gathered during repairs.

We understand ETR information is important so our customers can plan. Please know we work to provide the most accurate information as quickly as possible, and we thank you for your patience as we move through the process.


当地的中断 are day-to-day 中断 that occur outside of a region-wide storm or emergency event. They may be the result of a tree coming into contact with a power line, 电气设备故障, 或者一辆车撞上电线杆.



在客户报告中断后, PSE’s System Operations team provides an initial estimated time of restoration (ETR), 对电力恢复时间的估计, 基于历史停机数据.


Restoration through 配电自动化

In many locations across PSE’s service area, power can be restored through 配电自动化 (DA) – often referred to as a “self-healing grid.” If an outage occurs on a DA-enabled distribution line, we can automatically isolate the source of the outage and quickly restore power to all customers who aren’t directly served by the damaged section of power line. This means we can reduce the number of customers affected by an outage and restore power more quickly.



PSE’s Electric 第一个 Response team arrives at the outage location to assess field conditions and make the scene electrically safe. 第一个 responders may restore power to some or all remaining customers, depending on the location and severity of the damage.



If our first responders identify the need for additional repairs, an electric crew from our service partner Potelco, 公司. 谁被派去修理. They will replace a pole, re-string electrical wire, or replace damaged transformers.



Estimated time of restoration (ETR) information is updated as more information becomes available, based on field conditions and 损伤严重程度.

How does PSE estimate when my power will be restored?

When an outage occurs on a typical “blue sky” day, 估计恢复时间(ETR), 对电力恢复时间的估计, is provided automatically 基于历史停机数据.

As our field teams assess damage in the field, we update the ETR based on field conditions and 损伤严重程度. An outage that requires us to remove a tree branch from the line may take 30 minutes to restore, while an outage that requires a pole to be replaced may take 4-6 hours to restore once the repair crew is on-site. The ETR you see on the outage map is our best estimate for your specific outage at the time, and we’ll provide ETR更新 as needed until power is restored.

We understand ETR information is important so our customers can plan. Please know we work to provide the most accurate information as quickly as possible, and we thank you for your patience as we move through the process.

公共安全电源关闭(PSPS)停电, which includes the duration of the weather event and restoration time, could last several days if damaging winds occur.



Once the high-risk weather conditions have subsided, crews will visually inspect the power lines to check for any damage or safety concerns before restoring power. PSE will work to safely restore power as quickly as possible, but there can be challenges if there is limited access or visibility, 或者附近的活火.



天气“晴朗”: After the weather has passed and it is safe to do so, crews begin line patrols and inspections.
巡视和检查: Crews visually inspect for potential weather-related damage to lines, poles and other equipment.
隔离和修复损坏: 在哪里发现设备损坏, crews work to isolate the damaged areas from the rest of the system and restore any customers not served by the damaged equipment. 然后工作人员将进行必要的维修.
恢复供电: Once repairs have been made and it is safe to do so, PSE will restore power to customers.



As our field teams gain boots-on-the-ground visibility, we will add and update ETRs on the outage map.

  • 区域ETR: The date/time we expect most customers in a larger region to have their power restored. Some customers will be restored sooner than the regional ETR, while other customers may have their power restored after.
  • 字段ETR: Provided by our field personnel once line patrols are complete and updated as crews make any needed repairs.


This video explains how we go about restoring power 中断.

